VESDEC (Vietnam’ Environmental Science and Development Institute) is an non-Governmental organization established from the former Environmental Protection Center within the Vietnam Environment and Sustainable Development Institute (VESDI). VESDEC has obtained an updated Lisence N 237/DK-KHCN permitted to implement its business in environemental science and engineering in the whole Vietnam and other countries.
The major services in environmental sciences and engineering of VESDEC are as follows: a) Environmental impact assessment (EIA) for development projects and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for strategies/plans/policies. b) Environmental monitoring for regions and/or projects. c) Environmental planning for urban and/or rural development. d) Consultancy in environmental pollution control. e) Research and consultancy in sustainable development. f) Training in environmental science and technology. g) International co-operation in the above mentioned fields of environmental services.
At present, VESDEC has 40 core and collaborating staffs, 15 of which are scientific doctors and masters of sciences, who have got training in environmental science and technology overseas and in Vietnam. VESDEC has various cooperation projects with the universities, research centers of Vietnam and international agencies.
At present, in Vietnam VESDEC is a leading firm in the fields of EIA, SEA, environmental monitoring for the ODA and FDI projects in energy, highway, port, airport, industrial, water resource and regional development and in environmental planning.
If the environment is your concern,please contact with VESDEC: E-mail: trinhlt@vesdec.com.vn Mr. Le Trinh, Prof., Dr., Director (cell phone: 0982619336) Mr. Nguyen Duy Cuong, Deputy-Director (cell phone: 0903907618)