Beside leading implementation of some above mentioned projects in 2013 VESDEC Director – President of Vietnam Association for Environmental Impact Assessment (Dr. Le Trinh, Ass.Prof.) has also conducted various other activities:
1. Training: Guided students of doctoral and master programs in Hanoi National University and conducted various short-term training courses for provincial environmental officers. 2. Reviewing Environmental Projects: Participated in Scientific Committees of MONRE, MOST, universites and provinces to reviewing environmental projects. 3. Participation in National and International Conferences on SEA, EIA: In 2013 VESDEC Director has participated and presented his research papers in some national workshops and international conferences on strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and environmental impact assessment (EIA).
VESDEC Director, President of Vietnam Association for EIA and Prof. Harashina – President of Japan Society of EIA at the International Conference in Chibam, Japan (November 2013, left) and Presented his paper in a SEA/EIA Conference in Jeju (Korea, right)
4. Working as Senior Environmental Specialist for International Projects In 2013 VESDEC Director has participated in 3 international projects as a senior environmental specialists: a. International environmentalist for the IEE for the change of design options in the Benluc – Longthanh Expressway Project (an ADB project: February, March 2013). b. National Environmental Adviser for AECOM – New Zealand in the WB’ Construction of Trungson Hydropower Project (from September 2012 to January 2014). c. Nationall environmental consultant to evaluate the compliance of the project owner and contractor in the ABD Project of Hanoi Metro, Line 3 January 2013) .
Checking the compliance of the contractor with the ADB environmental requirements at the depot construction site
5. Support the Poor Students To support the poor students in environmental faculties of universities to overcoms their difficulties in life and study VESDEC Director has set up a “VESDEC Green Fund” with financial contribution of VESDEC members. Annually VESDEC Fund provided scholarships for the poor students selected by environmental faculties of universities in Vietnam. In 2013 VESDEC Green Fund has provided scholarships for 5 students of Environmental faculty in Hanoi National University and 12 students of Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment in Thainguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry.
Awarding VESDEC scholarships for the poor students in Thainguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (September 2013) and in Environmental facuty of Hanoi National Unversity (March 2013).