From 2012 VESDEC has provided for AECOM New Zealand a National Environmental Supervision Team, included 3 specialists, to implement regularly environmental supervision for the WB Project of Constructionof Trungson Hydropower Plant” on the Ma river, Thanhhoa Province. Daily air, noise, water pollution, soil erosion, sanitation, safety at the construction and worker camp sites are supervised.
A contract with National Hygiene Institute was signed to regularly conduct environmental monitoring for this facility and the first monitoring occasion was conducted in October 2013.
Vinh Airport in the North Central Region is planned to be expansed and improved. EIA of the project was conducted by the Northern Branch of VESDEC from August to December 2013.
From March 2013 to October 2013 the Northern Branch has conducted environmental monitoring for this project following the requirement in EIA report prepared by VESDEC in 2005 and 2009 and approved by MONRE and JICA.
The Trungson Hydropower Project is financed by the WB, therefore, environmental management should be complied with the Vietnamese as well as the WB Safeguard Policies.