Additional study for EIA the Initial Study for Longthanh International Airport

Longthanh International Airport in Dongnai province with a total max. 100 milion passengers/year and a cost of over USD 6.5 bilions US for the first phase (30 milion passengers/year) is a largest project in transport development of Vietnam. Japan Airport Consultants (JAC) is an international consulting firm for this project. 
Initial EIAs following the Vietnamese and JICA guidelines were conducted in 2010 and 2011 by VESDEC. To update the EIA to submit to the National Assembly for review with the requirements from MOT and JAC from January to March 2013 VESDEC has conducted additional study for this project. The updated EIA reports in English and Vietnamese completed in March 2013 were submitted to JAC and MOT.

 Additional study to update the EIA for Longthanh International Airport Project

Author: VESDEC

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