Setting up a Plan for Protection and Improvement of Rural Environment in the Period to 2020, Viosion 2030 for Vinhlong Province

Improvement and protection of the environment at rural areas is utmost important task of the provinces in the Mekong Delta Region, in general, and of Vinhlong province, in particular.

With the agreement with Vinhlong DONRE, from January to December 2013 VESDEC has conducted studies on the present state of the rural environment, identified the main environmental issues, predicted the changes in rural environmental quality and ecological systems during increased urbanization, industrialization and agriculture development. 8 key plans/programs for improvement of the rural environment of the province, included programs for pesticide management, safe food production, infrastructural constructions for wastewater drainage, solid waste management, handy craft village environmental management and environmental awareness, were proposed. Budgets for each program and main projects were suggested.
Public consultation during project implementation (left) and air pollution by brick kiln operation in rural area of Vinhlong province (right) 

Author: VESDEC

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